Thursday, February 7, 2008

Summoning, And Why It was Never Released For F2P

I was on my way to the Grand Exchange when my friend Gitabug tipped me off about a J Mod in Lumbridge in world 68. Seeing one is a rare occasion indeed, so I hauled myself to Lumbridge ASAP. She suggested I ask him any question concerning the recent updates or future ones, since the answer would be pretty accurate coming from a J Mod. The question of why Summoning was a no-show for F2P came into my mind. This is his reply.

If the picture isn't clear, just click on it for a larger one. Jagex's reason for not releasing the skill to F2P players is because they felt they had too many updates for them already, like Bounty Hunter and the Grand Exchange. Rather tired at the moment, so I won't say much more of this post, aside from the fact that I think their reason isn't exactly fair.

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