Sunday, December 30, 2007

At Years End...

Well, one more day left of 2007, and not much more before school reopens, not that that isn't a complete disaster, since I've finished a portion of my homework at least...

But enough about that, lets get back to the reason I created this blog. Economy is almost certainly recovering, even whip prices are back up to 1.4mil, all barrow sets upped by about 100k in the last week. Even the flax market seems to be recovering! Either that, or Jagex got it into their heads to manipulate the prices so they'd be closer to what they used to be.

Went barrowing today with ancient mage, didn't go as well as I hoped. Gerald was right, ice rush isn't enough to keep the barrow brothers at bay, so I ended up having to run back for supplies before starting again. Despite a kill count of 15, I got nothing more than 36 bolt racks and a couple of mind runes... Guess I should stick to slayer darts next time...

A couple of level ups. The monkfish I decided to fish since I had a LOT of homework to do at the same time.

Finished Another Slice of H.A.M (Humans against Montsters) as well. This quest continues on with the cave goblin storyline, and as the title suggests, H.A.M is back to cause more trouble. This time, they try to set the cave goblins and dwarfs up go to war with one another by tying Zanik, who also happens to be the chosen Commander of the "Big High War God", to the tracks of the new dwarven train line to make it look like the dwarves have killed their chosen commander, allowing Sigmund and the rest of H.A.M to sit back and watch as the two non human races kill each other. Being the adventurer you are, your job is to stop it, obviously...

Well they certainly look happy to see me...

Ouch, the train nicked the side of my face!

The usual congratulatory scroll

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Before I continue, I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, although its not going to be particularly merry for Liz, a friend of mine, who loaned out her dragon chain and santa hat to a so called "friend", who eventually ran off with them. Guess one good thing from limited trading is that it'll stop idiots who do that.

Speaking of which, Jagex has decided to try and repair the damage they've done to staking by raising the amount you can stake based on how many quest points you have. I'm not too sure just how much they'll raise it by, but with any luck it'll draw back some of the pures created specially for staking. As much as I loathe pures, even I felt sorry for them when their use was effectively destroyed in the Duel Arena when Jagex placed a 3k cap on any stake.

The market seems to have stabilized as well after the Grand Exchange played havoc with it last month. Ranarr Weeds have actually increased in price for the first time in...well, I can't remember, but its a long time. Dragon bones are in very high demand right now, you can throw them on the Exchange at maximum price, and they all get bought instantaneously. The demand for cannonballs seems to have waned a bit, a good thing as well if you ask me, the number of idiots setting up cannons in non-multi combat areas to get all the kills.

Cruising through Youtube, I happened to chance upon a video of an asshat trying to pass a scam off as a great moneymaking tip. Send me your account name and password to and I'll give you 30mil and an abby whip he says. Just for the fun of it, I sent my account and a fake password to him/her. Feel free to spam the bastard's email.

Anyway, I received what could possibly be my last gift ever from Gerald, who gave me a multitude of tree seeds and a black Dragonhide set with instructions to "level up my range". Well, I haven't started on the ranging yet, but I a Farming level with the seeds.

Got this while playing Monopoly absentmindedly

Not the most elegant set of clothes around, but its the best anti magic get up I had on hand.

Well, Merry Christmas to all, and thanks for the seeds Gerald, I'll work on the ranging soon enough!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Just Another Day...

The post below is a story I thought up 3 months ago in about 3 minutes, but never got around typing it out for until now.

My target for 99 Cooking by the end of the year has been annoyingly been put off course by the release of the Grand Exchange, the taming of the Wilderness and the advent of Bounty Hunter, which all had the convenient side effect of throwing the economy into chaos. I haven't dared make any major purchase since then, with the exception of my Dharok's set, which I promptly sold off after dying twice with it in a day. It just wasn't my style.

On the bright side, the Christmas event was good, and judging by the next part of the Developmental Diaries for the new Summoning skill, things could finally be going back to normal.

Summoning, according to the DD's, would allow players to summon animals and other various companions to follow them, and even attack in combat during a fight! And thats not all. Jagex has also revealed that Summoning will become an essential part of combat, and that Summoning will count toward your combat level, raising the level cap from 126 to 138, contributing to your combat level the same way prayer does.

Confirmed pets that will be released with the new skill would be dogs, frogs and a bird of some kind (Probably a magpie or mynah), as well as cockatrices as Mod Paul mentioned that "whether that's the skillcape at level 99, cockatrices at level 43 or just pet dogs at level 1." Wonder if the cockatrice's deadly gaze will come into play when you summon it...

Anyway, a level up I got today

Until next time

Air Dragon15 (a.k.a Micro)

King Black Dragon VS Kalphite Queen

In the dinner table of the Gods of Runescape, wherever that may be...

Zammy: Hey baldy, pass the salt!

Sara : Okay, that’s it, this is the last straw!!

(Snaps Zammy’s staff on his knee)


(Prepares to summon balls of flame to burn Varrock to the ground)

(Vines grab his hand)

Guthix: Ah, remember our promise, no interference with the mortal realm rash one.

Zammy: Hmm, you got a point; I can’t destroy Varrock…But the Kalphite Queen can!!

(Teleports to Kalphite Lair and releases the Kalphites)

Sara: Two can play at that game.

(Teleports to the KBD lair)

Sara: Fancy stretching your wings a bit, O great King of Dragons?

KBD: RAAGH!! (Roasts Sara with his dragon breath)

Sara: I take that as a yes…

(Teleports him out to Lumby)

In Lumby…

Noob 1 : Me1ee pwnz00r a11 0f u n00bs! Me1ee FTW!!

Noob 2 : N00b, m4h r4ng3 0wnz 3v3ry1!!

Noob 3 : M4g3 1s da b35t, p00nz a11!!

(KBD appears in their mist)

All Noobs : ATTACK!!

(Training sword, training arrows and wind strike all hit the KBD for a total of 0 damage, snorts and does 10 damage to all the noobs, killing them all)

Noob 1 : H4XX0R!!

Noob 2 : N00b, I c0m3 on m4h m41n and p00n y0ur a55!!

Noob : R3p0rt3d!!

(Since this is Lumby, the noobs respawn right where they died)

Noob 2 : H3y, a11 0ur st00f 1s st1ll h3r3!!

(All grab their weapons and attack the KBD as it walks on to Varrock)

In Varrock…

(All the guards are assembled to defend the city)
Head Guard : Now lads, we’ve been through everything, from noobs looking for punching bags, to rangers with itchy trigger fingers, to ancient mages who fancy a Guard Popsicle. Now we must rally together to protect our fair Saradominian city from….

(All the guards drop their swords and run away)

Head Guard : Guys, the refreshments haven’t been brought…

(Kalphite Queen steps on him, before letting loose a barrage of blasts at the buildings)

(A fireball lands at her feet)


(KBD and Kalphite Queen begin duking it out)

(They hurl attack after attack at each other, often missing and hitting players and buildings in the vicinity)

Newspaper man : Extra, extra, read all about!! KBD and Kalphite Queen doing battle in Varrock, with 3 noobs in tow!!

(KBD strikes a sure kill blow through the Queen’s head)

KBD : *Roars in triumph*

(Kalphite Queen splits open to the flying form)

KBD : Oh, son of a….

Queen : Now for round 2

(Slams KBD through the Grand Exchange)

Merchants Nearby : YAY!!

Dying G.E Clerk : But….All…The….Phats….Were…..In….There…..

Merchants : F#@*!!!

Queen : Come forth my minions, and strike down this hateful dragon!!

(Kalphites of all kinds start pouring out of the ground)

KBD : Dragons of Runescape, answer to your King!!

(Dragons of all kinds line up behind the KBD)

Player 1 : Taking bets!! 3 to 1 on the Kalphites, 2 to 1 on the Dragons!!

(The two sides tear at each other)

(Camera zooms into different battle scenes)

(An Iron Dragon tearing a Kalphite Guardian apart with ease)

(A Green Dragon being KO’ed by a Kalphite Soldier)

(A Mithril Dragon takes on 2 Kalphite Guardians)

(Hundreds of Kalphite Workers swarm a Black Dragon)

(The carnage lasts for hours. Soon all the summoned fighters are dead and only the King and Queen are left.)

(They charge up for their most powerful magical attack yet and release both simultaneously!! Their attacks collide in mid air and explode!)

*Mushroom cloud forms over Varrock* (Or what is left of it anyway…)

(Both the King and Queen still stand, glaring at each other like something out of a samurai movie. Who will fall first??)

(The Queen finally collapses to the ground, ending the standoff)

(The KBD roars in victory, having survived with just 1 hp)

Noob 1 : A11 att4ck s4m3 sp0t!!

(All three noobs strike the exact same spot with their training swords, training arrows and wind strikes, inflicting 1 damage. Which in this case, kills the dragon)

All Noobs : W3 W1N!!! W3 0WNZ00R TH3 DR4G0N N00B!!

(The KBD falls over and crushes all of them)

All Noobs : H4XX0R!!

The End!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

First and Foremost

Well, this will be the first of (hopefully anyway) many more posts to come on RuneScape. After some egging from Tim, a friend of mine, and dying for something to do while fishing monkfish at the colony, I hammered this blog together.

As luck would have it, this blog is being born on the same day as the Christmas updates, which I take to be a good omen. A few screenies from the event, the first event that hasn't dented the economy in some way or another in awhile.

Believe me, it took awhile finding that bloody imp, it kept getting blocked by people since it was so small.

Once one builds a snowman, the imp will brings you to the Land Of Snow, which looked more like a gang fight between snowmen!! The above picture shows my melee snowman duking it out with another melee snowman.

Such a pity that dragon full helm is fake... Anyway, its supposed to be placed on a completed snowman to bring him to life

After numerous attempts to get a snowman up before some idiot stole it by placing their hat on in before I could, I finally got my own dragon snowman up.

I'm afraid thats all I have to say for now, my literary juices have been drained working on a couple of poems regarding snow and Christmas...

Wish me luck with this blog!